Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thanks for trying to speak a lot!!

Saki, Nozomi (1st year), Tomoka, Tomomi, Maya, Kasumi, Nozomi (3rd year), and Yasuko, thanks for coming today!! Did you get something sweet??

Anyway, I wanted you to speak a lot this time. So I prepared many questions for you. How did you feel? Did you enjoy or was it difficult to answer? Actually, I also thought speaking English fruently is not easy. We need study more and more!! BUT!!!! Thank you for trying to answer by using your own words. If you keep the reason why you study English in your mind, your English skill will be better.

Well, here is something which you guys missed in lunch time. Take a look at this~:)

1.チャック       a zipper
2.チョッキ a vest
3.ジャンパー a jacket
4.ハンドル a steering wheel
5.フリーダイヤル toll-free
6.シルバーシート priority sheating
7.シーズンオフ off season
8.ツーショット a picture of a (male and female) couple
9.色鉛筆 colored pencil
10.パンク a flat tire/tyre

I guess you can see some words in your life like "priority sheating". If you find a interesting word, please let us know!! One more!! Please feel free to use this blog. Write something as Satuki. I really enjoyed her diary. Did you think it is pretty, didn't you??

Anyway, I hope everybody enjoy English more!! It is a special, wonderful and beautiful language which connect people all over the world!

Have a great weekend, everyone:D:D:D

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