Thursday, December 25, 2008


Hi, everyone!
I took some pictures, too.
I enjoyed a lot!
Mr. Sheehan and Yuka, thank you for holding a party!!!!!

Have a happy new year!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

X'mas Party!!!!!!!


Today is ....................Christmas Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you have a good time, everyone?
About ten members joined this party.
It was great!

You can see pictures from this website.↓

Yukika's friend
Ken joined us.
I am very glad to meet to you, Ken!! Thank you for coming.
Let's get in touch with us!!
Nice to meet you♪

Next is .....New Year Party???? hahaha~~

Well, everyone!!

Merry Christmas
and A Happy New Year!!!!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Meeting on December 17th

Hello, this is Shunsuke. ^▽^/
We played two games,
Search for Mistakes and Trick Art.

Did you have a fun??
At first, I thought everyone could answer easily, but it seemed that all of questions are difficult.

Do you want more questions?
Please use these site↓↓

Search for Mistakes

Trick Art

This weekend, we will have a great

Christmas party
If you can come, bring some foods, please.
We will get on the bus at 12:13, bus stop No. 6, bus number is 4.
It takes about 10 minutes.

See you then. :p

Thursday, December 11, 2008

☆Meeting of December 10th☆


YUKA dayo~~♪

Today's reader is
She planned to have games!

We played "pictionary" and "stare"♪♪

We made two groups.
We had a good time!!!
Next reader is Syunsuke^^

I am looking forward seeing you guys next week♪

P.S  TOEIC is coming soon!  Do our best, everyone!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Meeting on December 3rd!!

Hello!!! It's me Yasuko!! How are you?? I have a little trouble now....haha....
This is my first job in SUAC ESS, nice to meet you here.
Today, we did Game!!!
1) We made 3groups, 3 or 4 people
2)throw a dice and pidk up one card
3)and draw a illustration
4)everyone guess!

We were sooooo excited at the last, so we had a good time! Thank you everyone:D
Also, next week's activity leader is me!!! I'm strainted from now on!!
Please come to next week!!

Take care everyone, see ya!!:)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hello everyone!! How's going?? This is Mariko and I'm gonna be a next leader of this club. Let's have some fun together from now on, too:):):)

So, did you remember what we did today? We were talking about some environment problems and the things what we do for them. For example, we gave grobal warming, upping of the sea level, air pollution, extraordinary weather, and so on as the problem. We found that there are a large number of the problems and the influences because of that. You know those problems sometimes make our lives inconvenient and also it is possible to risk our lives.
Then, what can we do for them?? We could save energy by turning off the lights as often as possible. Declining to get a plastic bad and using an eco bag is good, too. What else?? Let's think about the ways to solve environmental problems by your self♪♪ What can you do for the earth??
Oh, and I forgot that we learned 3 vocabularys from YUKA:D
1. the state of the art
2. featured entree
3. on behalf of
Did you get the meaning of these three? If you didn't, let's make sure them with other ESS members!! Of course you can come to me to ask them!!
Ok, time to say see you!!
Take care and stay warm, my friends:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meeting on November 19th

Hello, everyone! How are you?

My name is Yumiko.
I haven't posted for a long time... Forgive me!

By the way, we tried an activity
to improve our English speaking skill.
The activity was... "chatting."

At first, we made small groups.

And then...
(1) Each person chose one card (one topic)
to talk.
Keywords were...
* Your family
* Your favorite star
* Your pet
* Part-time job
* Your favorite country
* What do you want on Christmas Day?
* Winter holidays' plan
* How to spend in your free time
* What are you crazy about these days?
* Your favorite place at SUAC

(2) The next person to the speaker
asked one question about the topic.

I had a great time with members!
Besides, I realized that's so important to
try hard to think and express my own idea
in English.

See you next time!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

ESS in Shizuoka University♪


On November 8th, Yukika, Eina and I went to the Shizuoka University's school festival.
We visited ESS of Shizuoka University.

They were selling "YAKISOBA".
We bought it. It was good^^

I met a reader of ESS.
He is really nice guy.

Meeting of November 5th!!


Today, we had a debate!!

The topic is " Adult should be from 18 years old or not."
In Japan, 20 yeays old is a age that is reccognized as adult.
However, many other country is recognized from 18 years old.

What do you think?

Was this topic a little bit difficult?^^
But every one did a good job!!



Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hello guys♪

We have just started weekly meeting again!!!
This term, we have meeting on Wendnesday, lunch time.
It is difficult for us to got together after school.
Today, after we had our lunch, we played guessing game.
This is like "who am I" game.
We make three groups and each of us ask a question.
For example,

" He is a boy. He is so cute. He is very famous in ESS. Who is he?"
" Kaitou!!!"

It is so fun, right?
You can get explanations skills.

Thank you for joining!!



Monday, October 27, 2008

The last day of the school festival.

Hi all.

YUKA again^^
This is the last day.
Thank you for your hepl, everyone.
Especially, Mr.Sheehan and Mr. Pals!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for your special help><。。

SUAC ESS established on May.
Five months have passed......
I think this school festival was a good opportunity for members to close each other.
I am senior and was really afraid for the next year.
BUT!!! Everyone did really really good job and now I am so happy!

Thank you everyone.....♪♪

The first day!!!!


This is YUKA.
Today is the first day of the school festival.

Shizuoka University's ESS member viseited us!!
Thank you for coming☆☆
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.

Everyone did a good job today!!!!
Let's enjoy Hekifusai!!!

Preparing for the HEKIFUSAI!!

This is YUKA.

I am vrey happy that many members got together♪
Thank you everyone!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Soap making!!!

Hi guys,

Today we made soaps again!!!

That was nice to know how to make it, and challenge new things.

Thanks to members, we could make more than ten milk cartons!!! I don't know how many it will be... but that's lots!!!
(Carton means a small container in which drinks or foodstuffs are packaged.)
Thank you soooooooooooo much for helping!!!
Oh, if you couldn't come today, there are still lots of things to do!!! Don't worry!!! lol
Have a great summer vacation!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Soap making and BBQ

Hello everyone,

Thank you for all of your hard work with the soap making. It is a lot of work, but it is nice to make something with your own two hands. I have made a slide show of some of the steps in the soap making process. We will have to talk more about cutting and wrapping.

Take care,


Making soaps and Party!!!!!

Hello~~~~~^^ This is YUKA.

We will sell soaps and juice at school festival and today is making soaps day!!!!!!!

Thanks to Mark and Satsuki's help, we could make about 50 soaps♪ We have to make more than 200 soaps, though......^^ After making soaps, we had a BBQ party!!!!! Everything was great!
Thank you very much Mark, Tom, Satsuki, and Mi

We had a really good time. This was good oppotunity to know each other!

We need more more soaps for the school festival, so we are planning to make soaps again. I hope many members would come^^

Making soaps date: August 1st from 1 p.m!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Meeting on July 16th

Hi, all
This is Yukika again.
Today, we did pronunciation game & Who am I game.


  • Warm-up:Tongue twisters

We divided into two groups & practice tongue twisters. Mark & Tom checked students' pronunciation. Then two groups competed. We had to say correctly & quickly. I will write these sentences. Let's try!

A. Three sick thrushes sang thirty songs.

B. Sue said she should show him the same shoes.

C. How much wood could/would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

*thrush- a small songbird, having a brown back

*woodchuck- a North American marmot with a heavy body and short legs like a beaver

*chuck- throw something

  • Who am I?

1. One person "G" go out of the classroom.

2. Others decide one character. Fx."Doraemon"

3. "G" come back, and ask "Who am I?" to each member.

4.Each member can say only one hint. Fx."You are not human"

5."G" guess who is "G" (I mean G's character.)

Today we picked up... Sazae-san, Nobita, Chibimaruko-chan, Mickey Mouse, Kureyon-Shinchan,

Indiana Jones.


Today was the LAST MEETING during the first semester.

Next, Ess will change the day. It will be Friday's lunch time. We will watch drama. We may also held a meeting after school if a lot of students hope. I hope, you hope.

Anyway..... Have a great SUMMER VACATION!!!

And, good luck with your exams.

Thanks & see you!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Meeting on July 9

Hi all!

This is Yukika who loves reading and coffee!
I am a 4th year student & in charge of speaking part.
Today, we planned to do some speaking games, but there were not so many members.
Therefore, we discussed about the party & Hekihu festival.

School festival

The flavor of soap proposed
Orange, Grape fruit, lemon, Lavender, Rose marry, Citral, Lemon grass

The number of soap

The price of soap
1 day: 250 yen 2 day: 200 yen

July 21st at Mark's house
Morning: make soaps
From noon: party

July 25th at school & restaurant
From 6 o'clock: Volley ball
From 7-8: Dinner at restaurant

Are you interested in? Please join us!
Oh, we got some piece of soap from Mark.(You can see in pictures.) Thanks Mark!
You know, sometimes, you can get advantage in the club!!!
Next week, we will do Pronunciation game & Who am I game.
See you next week!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Meeting on July 2nd

Hello, everyone!
This is Yumiko.

We watched TV drama "FRIENDS."
Besides, we learned some words...
(1) aura
(2) metaphor
(3) kitten
(4) shred
(5) matrimony
(6) symbolic etc.

It was hard for us to understand the whole story of the episode, but we really enjoyed watching it!!

Next time...
We'll try the game "Who am I?" and practice pronunciation!
We're waiting for you!!
See you.

Friday, June 27, 2008

25th meeting☆

This is YUKA.

These days it rains almost everyday!

I don't like the rainy season..... What do you think??
Last Wednesday, we played the game, "Pictionary".

If you don't know this game, please check this website.

There were eight members at the meeting.
Mark, Yumiko, Yukika, Minori, Naoya, Yumika, Takahiro, and me.

Thank you for joining, everybody^^
Next Wednesday we'll watch American drama," Friends"!!